
Best SEO Companies and Services in Germany

Build a digital foundation by connecting with these best SEO companies in Germany. These SEO agencies and firms focus on using clean and legal strategies to get your website on top of search engine.

Want to find the best SEO service company in Germany? Well, you have reached the right destination. Here, you are going to learn about the top 15 professional SEO agencies in Germany.

Search Engine Optimization helps businesses target audiences, achieve organic traffic without investing money, increase brand awareness, reputation, and track performance online. It, therefore, plays a significant role in the business’s success.

Clients in Germany look online for intelligent strategists who can boost their business’s visibility and rank in the digital market. These strategists are known as SEO companies. And to make it easy for you, we have made a list of the top SEO service companies in Germany.

Learn all about the business profile, location, services, industry rating, and client reviews of the companies in the following best SEO company primelist.

  • Rank

    63rd Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 2113-679-6019

  • Location

    Fritz-Vomfelde-Str. 34, D-40547 Dusseldorf

  • Rank

    64th Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 2111-636-1131

  • Location

    Barmer Straße 15, 40545 Dusseldorf, Germany

  • Rank

    65th Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 305-163-6060

  • Location

    Reinhardtstraße 31, 10117 Berlin, Germany


Wir überzeugen durch Erfahrung, Nischenwissen und Digital-Spezialisten Die Philosophie unserer Agentur ist ganz einfach: Ihr Erfolg ist unser Erfolg. Über 150 erfolgreiche SEO-Projekte sprechen für unsere Fähigkeiten. All unsere Online-Maßnahmen sind individuell zugeschnitten, messbar und dokumentiert. Wir denken über den Tellerrand und setzen überall dort an, wo wir ein Potenzial für Sie sehen – crossmedial, effizient, zielgerichtet. Aus diesem Grund packen wir Projekte ganzheitlich an und erstellen via 360°-Analysen eine Vogelperspektive, die uns und unseren Kunden und Partnern einen transparenten und nachvollziehbaren Überblick auf den Status Quo verschafft. 360°-Analysen machen nicht nur weitere Baustellen und Optimierungspotenziale sichtbar, sondern spiegeln auch den tatsächlichen Aufwand wider, was wiederum Online-Kampagnen langfristig planbar, skalierbar und anhand von festgelegten Milestones messbar macht. Mit fokus digital haben Sie einen Partner an der Seite, der Sie in allen SEO-relevanten Fachgebieten professionell, zuverlässig und langfristig betreut.

  • Rank

    66th Germany

  • Contact

    (+39) 65-656-8240

  • Location

    Eichbordamm 167, Gb 55 Berlin Germany 13403


International SEO Agnecy based in Rome and Berlin. We provide high successfull SEO services focused on client's needs and goals in following languages: Italian, German, English, Spanish, French. Portfolio: - Lastminute - Single Hotels as well as big Hotels chains - International Ecommerce

  • Rank

    67th Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 89-210-2930

  • Location

    Max-Planck-Straße 6, 85609 Dornach near Munich


Die Valarim SEO Agentur Hamburg ist ein erfahrener Anbieter für moderne Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Wir bringen Firmen in Google auf saubere und effiziente Weise an die Spitze und bieten diesen Service auch im englischsprachigen Raum an. Es ist unwichtig, in welcher Stadt Sie sitzen und sich gegen Ihre Konkurrenz behaupten möchten. Wir bieten SEO von enormer Stärke und entwickeln stets modernere Strategien, um durchgehend auf dem neuesten Stand der Dinge zu sein.


Online Agentur Markenzeichen Marketing - SEO & Online Marketing auf Erfolgsbasis – SEO, SEA Marketing und Social Media Beratung von einer professionellen Webagentur Wir von Markenzeichen Marketing haben uns auf das Performance Marketing von Internetpräsenz spezialisiert. Als einer der wenigen Full-Service Online Marketing Agentur & Google Partner helfen wir Ihnen, dass Sie bei Google & Co. in den Suchergebnissen ganz vorne gerankt werden. Mit unserer Hilfe steigern Sie Ihre Besucherzahlen, Ihre Kundenzahlen, verbessern Ihr Image und schlussendlich auch Ihre Umsätze. Bei uns erhalten Sie Beratung, Webdesign & Online Marketing aus einer Hand. Als eine der wenigen Marketing Agenturen geben wir ihnen unser Versprechen: Wir arbeiten für Sie und auf Erfolgsbasis Kontaktieren Sie uns und fordern Sie jetzt gleich Ihr kostenloses Angebot für Ihre Internetpräsenz an! Zusammen arbeiten wir Ihre Ziele aus und erstellen einen Fahrplan für Ihr Marketing. Gern optimieren wir auch Ihren bestehenden Marketing Auftritt. Wir von Markenzeichen Marketing sind selbst auf Platz eins der Online Marketing Agenturen in Berlin - wir wissen, was wir tun.

  • Rank

    70th Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 211-175-2370

  • Location

    Louis-Pasteur-Platz 3, 40211 Düsseldorf, Germany


Performics is fully search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) based company which was founded in 1998. The company launched its paid search (SEM) practice in 2001 and search engine optimization (SEO) practice in 2003. In reality, the company is named "original performance marketing firm" and a "Leader" by Forrester Research.

For more than 15 years, we are collaborated with 220+ brands globally and help all of them to touch the sky. We believe in performing across paid, owned and earned media  using data, technology and media in novel ways.

  • Rank

    71th Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 3034-649-6300

  • Location

    Sybelstrasse 42 Berlin Berlin Germany 10629


We offer solutions to grow the digital performance more efficiently by applying a fitting mobile, social and search strategy (SEO & SEA) and monitoring key indicators on all digital channels. digitalagenten is the Berlin based consulting agency to raise the digital marketing performance. Plan - Buid - Run. Continious optimalization of content and on-site infrastructure, Google SEO & SEA, Facebook & Instagram performance, Ads & Organic.

  • Rank

    72th Germany

  • Contact

    (+49) 823-377-9888

  • Location

    Trathstraße 2 Kissing Germany 86438


contix|media ist eine Grafik- und Webdesign-Agentur, bestehend aus einem Team von erfahrenen Designern, Entwicklern und Mediengestaltern aus dem Raum Augsburg/München. Wir gestalten den visuellen Auftritt von Unternehmen und Institutionen sowie deren Produkte und Marken.

  • Rank

    73th Germany

  • Contact

    (+0803) 1-257-5100

  • Location

    Kolbermoor Rosenheim Germany 83059


The SEO-Küche Internet Marketing GmbH & Co. KG is a SEO and Online Marketing agency which is located at Rosenheim, Munich, Dresden, Berlin, Köln, Starnberg, Bochum and Erfurt. The mission of the agency is to help your business in the long run of marketing industry.

With our team of experts, SEO-Küche knows all the tactics to  actively and sustainably develop your business with highly professional solutions of optimization and marketing. We promise long term success of your company driving more and more customers for your brands and services.

  • Rank

    74th Germany

  • Contact

    (+) 30-428-4000

  • Location

    Tino-Schwerzina Str. 32


Als Teil der Wolfram Unternehmensgruppe ist die Wolfram Consult seit vielen Jahre mit der Betreuung von Kunden speziell aus dem B2B am Start.

  • Rank

    75th Germany

  • Contact

    (+380) 44-222-3243

  • Location

    проспект Москойский 9


Leading SEO company in Ukraine.

Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Companies in Germany

10seos offers the list of best SEO companies in Germany to ensure your website achieve optimum ranking among search engines. These top 10 SEO firms focus on implementing the clean and legal strategies and technique to achieve maximum ROI for your online business.

By making use of latest tools and advanced technologies, these Search Engine Optimization agencies make sure to capture the attention of a targeted audience and get them on the website using effective SEO services.

With a team of marketers and analysts, 10seos strive to provide the users with the most updated list, with the aim to build a stronger digital foundation of your business.

After undergoing rigid formation, such as ratings, reviews, quality of work, customer feedback and other qualitative & quantitative aspects, we make sure to deliver the list which ensures to help you achieve higher ranking and grow your online organization

Best SEO Companies in Germany: Frequently Asked Questions

We learned above that Search engine optimization services help businesses stand out from their competitors and bring in more potential customers. However, how they do it, is a million-dollar question asked by a number of businesses. What you need is a profound understanding of SEO, and the following frequently asked questions will help you achieve that.

SEO, in simple words, refers to improving your website performance to increase its position on search engine result pages. However, the answer to What is SEO marketing is much more than that. It not only tells you what you can do better but also lets you establish a connection with your consumers. It makes the website’s components like H1 tags, meta title, meta description, content, keyword density, backlinks, permalinks better and as per the search engine's requirements. This eventually boosts your ranking and results in online success.

More than 90% of people never get past the first page of their Google search. While 75% of Google traffic goes to the first ten search results, and merely 4.25% goes to the second page.

Now find your business rank. To do this, search for the products/services you offer on Google. Then, count the number of results pages you clicked through to see your online business’s name. If you are on the 2nd or 3rd page, you are definitely lagging behind your competitors. Hence, this calls for hiring the best search engine optimization firm in Germany.

Such a firm will formulate an effective strategy boosting your online visibility and rank on SERPs. It will also make you understand what your audience is searching for and what satisfies their needs. Once you find the answers, you can match your content with the customers’ language and optimize your site for search engines.

The top digital marketing companies in Germany offer a comprehensive range of SEO services to help your business rank high in SERPs. These include:

  • Keyword Research

SEO highly relies on keywords. Keyword research includes Identifying the most searched terms/keywords used to locate a specific service or product you offer to customers.

  • Local SEO

Brand awareness and business reach start when you have a strong grip over your local audience and that's why local SEO marketing is important. It helps you optimize the brand for local searches and improve your local rankings thoroughly.

  • Technical SEO

Technical SEO consists of every action that helps search engines crawl to visit your website and enhance the user experience. Proper technical aspects like website speed, mobile-friendliness, site structure, etc. will prevent crawlers from facing issues while visiting your website.

  • Website Audits

Website Audit analyzes your site's ability to rank on SERPs organically and tells you about the practices to make your website more SEO-friendly.

  • SEO Consulting

Consultancy from an organic SEO consultant will help you know which services would be perfect for your website and help you rank with time.

  • Link Reclamation

Link reclamation refers to redirecting old URLs to the new page while updating the new pages on the website. These redirects are essential for preserving the link juice.

  • Conversion Optimization

Businesses aim at conversion the most while hiring an SEO specialist. Conversion optimization aims to increase the conversion rate by optimizing your website as per customer needs.

Let’s have a look at the 4 types of SEO that an SEO business company provides:

  • On-Page SEO

On-page SEO services include optimizing the content of your website along with tweaking with the factors like meta titles, meta description, keywords, headers, optimized images, and much more.

  • Off-Page SEO

Off-Page deals with elements outside your website, and focuses on features like pitching articles, competitor research, etc. An SEO business agency uses Off-Page SEO to create exposure and trust in your business. This results in greater potential customers and better sales. It also involves link building which refers to getting other reputable websites to link back to your site.

Everything in this world has a white side and a dark side. So is the case with SEO. Let us explore.

  • White Hat SEO

It is an ethical technique focussing on delivering results using the right methods. It follows established search engine guidelines so your audience knows you organically and SEO rank improves constantly. A white label SEO company follows these white hat methods to deliver results and gives Google no chance to penalize your website.

  • Black Hat SEO

It refers to the unlawful methods and strategies to get higher search engine rankings. It focuses on bots instead of audiences. Such practices are harmful to your website and are banned by Google. Keyword stuffing, hidden texts, plagiarized content, misleading redirects, and other unethical methods are examples of Black Hat SEO.

Following are the reasons why businesses must collaborate with SEO agencies for website search engine optimization:

  • Driving High-Quality Organic Traffic and Boosting Organic Discovery

SEO is hyper-targeted and customer-centric. It boosts organic visibility, and hence site traffic. Organic traffic is more likely to convert as potential customers visit websites to use your services. An SEO provider uses effective strategies for directing relevant audiences to your website via search queries.

  • Offers Impressive ROI

SEO results take time however an effective strategy eventually delivers impressive ROI. It helps you convert your organic traffic using highly effective SEO methods. If ROI is one of the most significant factors for your business at present then hiring the best SEO company near you in Germany would be your best decision.

  • Improves Credibility Among The Consumers

Ranking on Google's first page creates a better image of your business for potential customers. Google ranks websites based on dozens of on-page and off-page signals, such as created content, website speed, mobile usability, etc. Moreover, by using high-quality products or services, trust and credibility can be developed on search engine authority. One can improve all of this gradually with effective SEO methods.

  • Help Business Reach Its Target Audience

SEO marketing is for both organizations, single target, and multi-target audience. Since it uses intent-driven keyword research to reach a specific audience it allows it to be more versatile with its intent. Reach both audiences, by creating separate service pages, one targeting a particular set of keywords while the other targeting another set.

  • Optimizes User Experience

Google's Algorithm can interpret a favorable or unfavorable user experience. SEO optimizes the user experience on websites resulting in its success on SERPs. It also prevents bounce rates on the website. In case of a higher bounce rate, Google will devalue your web page resulting in lower rankings on SERPs.

SEO is a slow process. Perhaps, it is impossible to state a figure that applies to a particular website. An SEO service provider cannot come up with the best-guess estimate based on analyzing a website's current performance and the proposed strategy. All you need is the best strategy customized for your business and website. Plus, 6-12 months is enough time to be able to see the impact of SEO efforts and to be able to justify ongoing investment into growth.

Setting your online marketing budget can be difficult when you are looking for a website SEO company. Whether you go for a consultant from another county or Germany, you will find different types of pricing models.

  • SEO Pricing Stats

    • SEO costs range from $2000 - $8000 per month in Germany and the US.
    • As per Ahrefs, the average SEO plan costs $2819 per month.
    • If you are looking to hire an SEO agency near you on an hourly basis then it can cost you anything between $100-$250 for Germany.
    • SEO pricing is usually lower for local campaigns.
    • Professional SEO agencies can charge for extra content on the site
    • SEO costs are typically higher for eCommerce websites.
  • SEO Monthly Plan Pricing

Most SEO experts in Germany offer monthly contracts. Here, you can always opt-out anytime if you do not like their services. Prefer customized monthly packages, so you can add and remove services as per your needs.

  • SEO Hourly Plan Pricing

SEO rates by freelancers are usually between $50-$250 per hour. However, freelancers only work in the decided time. You can hire experts separately for specific needs and pay them separately. For instance, content writer for content, PPC expert for paid campaigns, and SEO consulting company for handling other services, etc.

The following are aspects you need to consider before finalizing the best SEO company.

  • Location

Location matters when you are looking for SEO services near you. Having a company in the same city as yours makes it easy to connect with the experts or meet them to explain your requirements.

  • Experience and Specialization in SEO

Check for proven results in different industries, while outsourcing SEO service. Know if the company has previous experience in your industry too. It will give you an edge over your competitors as you have experts that understand how the industry works and what will work in your favor. Besides, the selected SEO professional must have experience in the local SEP, web page optimization, keyword analysis, link building, etc.

  • Best Practices

Try not to end up with a company that uses black hat techniques to deliver quick results. Learn about their practices and always keep in mind that SEO is a slow process and takes time to give results.

  • Services

You may have some specified services in your mind for the desired results. Make sure to inquire about the services and tools offered by the SEO company near you.

  • Technical Skills

He/she must also possess technical skills as it is crucial to solving obstacles in the programming division that can hinder your SEO campaign.

  • Critical Reasoning and Decision Making

The agency to be hired must also be able to make decisions quickly by analyzing the situation, so you get better results.

  • Budget

SEO providers offer a combination of different services as per your needs and requirements that perfectly fit your company's budget. Go for the mid-range service and later change the budget accordingly if you start seeing results.

10SEOS is among the rapidly expanding companies that list the best SEO companies in Germany. Ours is a team of qualified professionals, analysts, researchers, and strategists. We analyze numerous essential statistics, including ratings, reviews, customer satisfaction, quality of work, etc. to bring to you the best SEO agencies in Germany.

All these SEO firms are renowned for offering the highest quality solutions to businesses. 10seos, as a platform, aims to enhance the visibility of these SEO consultants in Germany before the user and bridge the gap between them. This makes it easy for businesses to opt for world-class SEO services and stand distinctively from their competitors.

Let’s have a look at some major trends followed by a professional search engine optimization company in Germany.

  • Voice Search

Optimizing for voice search makes searching easy for users. Since most users use voice-enabled devices, voice-optimized content can definitely give you results with time.

  • Longer Content

Google chooses to rank pages containing higher and in-depth content. Hiring the top SEO companies will help keep up the quality and quantity of the content and earn better ranks.

  • Mobile Flexible Websites

Due to the increase in smartphone users, it is important to have a mobile-friendly website. Websites should have a simple navigation process irrespective of the devices used by the users.

  • Customer Analytics

Customer analytics helps you understand what your customer needs. This makes things easier for your user when they browse your website for any services.

  • Retention Methods

It is costlier to bring a new customer to your business than retain an old one. By aiming at retention methods using SEO you can earn revenue in the future.

Professional SEO firms understand and use some valuable tools to attract high-quality traffic, track steps taken and results received in numbers. These include:

  • SEMrush

SEMrush helps businesses improve online visibility, track the data of your SEO, PPC, SMM, competitive research, keyword research, and other marketing insights.

  • Ahrefs

Ahrefs is another popular tool for backlinks and SEO analysis. Its site audit tool helps analyze your website's common optimization issues and also monitors your SEO health over time.

  • Search Engine Ranking

SE Ranking is an accurate keyword rank tracking software. It helps with real-time ranking positions of your website's keywords across major search engines.

  • Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner helps SEO experts research the keywords for your search campaigns. It will find your business-related keywords, see estimates of the searches they receive and the cost to target them.

  • SEO Panel

SEO panel is open-source software that helps in website optimization. It also provides a Keyword position checker, webmaster tools, site auditor, page speed insights, backlinks checker, etc.

  • Moz Pro

Moz Pro allows you to gather data on your site's rankings, page optimization, site crawl, and link metrics. It also lets you determine your site errors which are affecting your visitors' experience.

KPIs stand for Key Performance Indicators. These help you keep track of your campaign performance and indicate the success of your campaign.

  • Organic Traffic

The most valuable KPI of SEO is that it increases your organic traffic and is important to be tracked continuously. The more organic traffic you have, the better the click-through rate your website will have.

  • Keyword Ranking

Keywords ranking is the sole reason for many businesses to connect with top SEO companies in Germany. If your business keyword is on the 2nd or 3rd page then you must track if its position is improving or not.

  • Page Load Time

The page load time of your website is also an important KPI. You can lose a lot of customers if your site is taking a long time to load.

  • Bounce Rate

Bounce rate determines the rate of sessions where the user does not perform any action and leaves immediately after the site loads. Bounce rate increases when your web pages seem irrelevant. Keeping your bounce rate under 40 is a good practice for great results.

  • Conversions

Conversion is the most obvious SEO KPI. Keep track of every conversion if your site does not generate leads or convert sales inquiries. Focus on conversion rate optimization while offering an exceptional user experience and then see the results.

With the ever-changing Google algorithm, you need to update your SEO tactics constantly to get results. By hiring the best services in Germany you can stay away from mistakes while performing SEO.

  • Plagiarized Content

On sensing any duplicate content, Google penalizes the website. Hence while outsourcing SEO service, make sure it commits to developing authentic, relevant, and quality content that also offers uniqueness.

  • Broken Links

Links on your website leading nowhere is another mistake to avoid. While broken links degrade the user experience on the website, search engines refrain from promoting such business.

  • User-Generated Spam

Low-quality website content decreases your rankings on SERPs. Buy SEO services for guidance on using quality content and removing spam or promotional content from your website.

  • Hidden Texts

Hidden text is a common sneaky method to hide keywords using white text on a white background. Remember that crawlers easily spot such tactics, resulting in penalizing your website.

  • Wrong Redirects

Wrong redirects mean there is a difference between the page description and where it redirects the user. This results in a bad reputation on SERPs and hence low ranking. Moreover, Google also bans websites for certain periods when it detects unnatural links on sites. Buy SEO services from professional companies to avoid such mistakes.

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