12 Exclamations that every SEO expert Goes Through


12 Exclamations that every SEO expert Goes Through

Life of an SEO executive is not easy, simply because search optimization is a never ending task, it cannot be achieved in a day. With the support from the Analytics, Marketing and Writing team, the workload becomes bearable. Sometimes success is not achieved in the first attempt and sometimes clients become very critical. Big SEO Companies have multiple projects and giving each project an appropriate piece of time becomes crucial. Let us know what are some situations that every SEO expert under the sun has experienced at least once (we bet they are usual in some people’s life) in his career.

  1. Ha! It is the most spontaneous and most loved moment of SEO, when whatever efforts he put in a project, bring success in the first attempt. When he is sitting fingers crossed and suddenly he see a positive impact of his tactics, he just jump out of his seat and promptly say Ha!

  2. Argh! Sometimes, Google tests him much like God tests during the difficult times. All of his efforts are going in vain and he has no clue about what he is going to do next. As such he becomes speechless, scratch his head and just say Arrrrrgh!

  3. Ahem! When all of his team members say him that the strategy that he has planned is wrong and it would backfire on them, but anyhow, he trusts his guts and the result is a success, then he just flaunt his crown of victory with a little Ahem!

  4. Oops! Even experts are human and they also make mistakes sometimes. When our SEO expert goes with his gut, but his gut misguides him, then all he is left with some disappointment and Oops!

  5. Duh! There are also the times when he involves himself in solving the problem so much that the solution is lying right in front of him and he cannot see it. When he has done everything and then he decides to start from the step zero, only then he realises that sometimes great things hide in the plain sight. He then says himself, Duh!

  6. Hmm! While watching his competitor, he comes across some real innovative tactic, something not mainstream, then in his head, he appreciates the competitor but only one word come out of his mouth- Hmm!

  7. Heh-heh! Innovative not necessary be successful. When he sees that his competitor bet on a risky strategy and lost his search position, then our expert thanks God that he didn't blindly followed his competitor’s footsteps and gladly exclaims Heh-heh!

  8. Uh-uh! Some clients make the situation from bad to worse. They just want the results in a day and they constantly pressurize our expert friend. As such he remains calm and composed and do not quit on anything or anyone, saying Uh-uh!

  9. Phew! Finally, he gains confidence and tell the clients that SEO takes time and they need to have patience. He explains them everything about what he is doing and how that is going to bring them good search rankings. When clients understand that and they give him his space, Phew! That is what comes from his mouth.

  10. Oh! Sometimes, this expert day-dreams and he remembers the time with his family (he does not get time to make girlfriend) which brings a big smile on his face, and he joyfully and hopefully says Oh! in the hope that tomorrow is going to be better.

  11. Yay! When everything's going right, clients are happy, the boss is happy and colleagues are happy, then he feels proud of his management skills and gives a tap on his back with a happy word Yay!

  12. Yoo-hoo! Everyone loves the weekend and so does he. Friday is the happiest day of the week. He completes his work faster than the rest of the days, shuts the computer down, greets everyone and then ride on the bike saying Yoo-hoo!

There are ups and downs in every profession, good days and bad days are the part of the life. It all depends on how well you manage the balance between your work and sanity. All SEO Companies have SEO experts who work very hard for the company and for clients, sometimes they just want some patience and a little appreciation.

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