6 Myths about Google search Ranking


6 Myths about Google search Ranking

The Market is full of knowledgeable news and some of them are rumors. Users have these myths in their mind that how Google decides the rank of their website. 

PPC marketing companies can spread more rumors about Search engine and people start believing in them. Isn’t it a marketing technique? In the end, everything is about Marketing. That’s how we earn the profit. 

So we are going to discuss those 6 points on which anyone can easily believe. 

Let’s start with most common one.

  1. Age of the website- Normally, people believe that if a company is old than it has high chances to get top rank on Google. Suppose a company is registered in 2000 then this company has more chances to get higher visibility in comparison of those companies who registered afterward. It’s a myth. Not true at all.
    The truth is different. If that company has established more quality Backlinks and connection so it might stand apart from the other websites.

  2. Time spent on the website- If time spent on your website is below average then Google will rate your website low in the ranking. Suppose average time spent on your website is 2 minutes but it’s less than other competitors website. Don’t worry Google is not going to judge you on that basis.
    Until or unless you don’t have high bounce rate, you don’t need to worry about that. Maybe possible that loading time of your website is less or you are providing quick service. So Google don’t judge you on that basis.

  3. Less Social media share-  Some people purchase shares and likes because they think that it affects Google ranking. Nope, it doesn’t affect your ranking directly. It’s a myth and don’t trust these things.
    But if you have more likes and shares then probably people will provide you quality backlinks. There Google can improve your ranking. So purchased shares won’t help you in any manner.

  4. Characters used for Separation- people keep on saying that using the pipe bar increases the chance to improve the rank. Some people use pipe bar, some use a hyphen, others put a colon. So it’s a complete myth. We have never seen any survey who showed that characters do matter.
    If you want to use pipe bar then use it but don’t overshadow this theory that it will help crawlers to index your page easily.

  5. Headlines Impact- Google doesn’t look for H1, H2, H3 in the text. If you had put a long and bold title on the top Google will take it as a Heading and if you are using some bold letters in between than crawlers will take it as a subheading. If you haven’t put any sign then crawlers will go through all your text to find important keywords.
    So it doesn’t matter if you put H1, H2, H3… In the end, your content is going to help you.

  6. Technology used for your website-  Some people think that language used to make website adversely affect their ranking on Google. But it’s not true at all.
    Until and unless crawlers can go through your stuff and read it properly, it’s completely fine. You don’t have to worry if every link on your website is visible and you are providing the same thing to google which you are showing to users.

So this was it. Myths might be true till some extent but they have limits. It can indirectly affect your ranking but Directly, they can’t. You can try these edits by yourself. Try to change these points, open rank-checking software and monitor your rank. These myths won’t affect your rank.

Final words

If you hear something about search engine ranking system. Don’t trust them blindly. Visit some blogs about that news, gather some knowledge about it or ask the experts So that you can come to an outcome. Whether it is true or not. Hopefully, you would have understood the point. Best of luck!!

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